
3860 N. PalmerSt.  Milwaukee, WI. 53212  Voice 414.962.6500  Fax 414.962.5780


  Capture welding fumes at the source.  Ruemelin fume exhausters capture and remove toxic welding fumes before they pass through the welder's breathing zone and contaminate the surrounding air.  And whether you use arc, MIG, TIG, spot, plasma or other methods, Ruemelin's "source capture" ventilation is a real cost saver because it exhausts smaller volumes of heated and air conditioned shop air than general ventilation or other systems.  This helps to keep your heating and cooling costs down.
  High-volume, full range exhausting.  A powerful fan draws fumes within the capture zone of the cone inlet hood into the exhauster hose, exhausting outdoors or into an air cleaning unit if desirable and/or permissible.  The 5-inch units exhaust 1,000 CFM, with static pressures ranging from 5 to 10 inches depending upon the duct work.  This is enough suction to hold a welder's helmet in the cone while leaving the vital shield gases undisturbed.
  Put it where the job is...it stays.  The non-conductive, non-sparking, fire-retardant fiberglass cone inlet hood quickly and easily adjusts to any welding zone -- and Ruemelin's unique counterbalance system holds it there.  No locking devices are needed.   Double, heavy-duty compression springs, mounted on a cast iron friction disc, steel support tubing and tension rods keep the cone inlet hood stable in all positions.

Ruemelin Welding Fume Exhauster
(15 or 20 ft. long reach models)
Competitive Offerings
A.  5" I.D. heavy-duty rubber hose with wire and fabric reinforcements, neoprene cover, and smooth neoprene liner tube which reduces turbulence and promotes efficient airflow Light-weight corrugated plastic hose which promotes turbulence and reduces efficient airflow
B.  14-gauge steel extension arm Plastic pipe or equivalent
C.  Fabricated and welded steel wall-column mounting bracket Plastic or pot metal mounting bracket
D.  Cast Iron pivot elbows Plastic and/or stamped metal transition pieces
E.  Externally mounted self-tensioning support mechanism which promotes efficient airflow Internal support and positioning mechanism which impedes efficient airflow
Wide variety of 15 and 20 ft. reach units with coverage, discharge, and mounting options Shorter reach units with limited coverage, discharge, and mounting options
Durable construction throughout to withstand heavy use in industrial settings, long and cost efficient service life, acceptance by welders and safety staff Flimsy construction throughout, early failure or rejection by welders and safety staff, low cost efficiency
  © Copyright 2000 by Ruemelin Manufacturing Company, Inc. 
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